Viewing 1 - 4 out of 4 posts

Allergy Testing for Patients With Recurrent Ear Infections

Ear infections aren't just for kids, as teens and adults can get them too. For some people, that can become a chronic issue due to lifestyle, swimming, or allergies. Give Read More

Allergy Testing and Treatment

Allergies can be difficult to deal with and can even affect how you function on a daily basis. If you’re dealing with allergies, you should know what triggers your allergies Read More

Could I Have an Undiagnosed Allergy?

Allergies are widespread, and their symptoms can also be mistaken for the common cold or occasional rash. At South Coast Ear, Nose, and Throat, Dr. Leslie Berghash, Dr. John Lanza, Read More

How Do I Benefit From Allergy Testing?

Allergies come in different forms and levels of symptoms, but they are almost always a nuisance, causing itchy eyes, rashes, swollen throat and more. Occurring in three forms -- inhaled, ingested, Read More

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